There's a Formatter for That!
MVC Is Not Your Problem
Introduction to Swift
Recapping iOS 9 + 10 — What you can already use today (in german)
Interface Builder Considered Awesome
Interface Builder Considered Awesome
Recapping iOS 8 + 9 — What you can already use today
Async Testing with XCTestExpectation
Advanced Swift: JSON-Handling via Pattern Matching and Currying
Laziness in Swift
Laziness in Swift
Slides: PDF
Introduction to Swift
Lightning Talk: Lazy Infinite Sequences in Swift
Swift: Modern & Safe, Potentially Fast, Definitely Beta
Slides: PDF, Keynote
Code Examples -
Bindings, KVC & KVO
Slides: PDF
Debugging Hands-on
no recording available
Building a Location Viewer to view consolidated.db on the iPad
Slides: PDF